
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sister Carole's Fish Chowder


This is my sister Carole's delicious recipe for Fish Chowder.  It cooks up pretty quick and is loaded with chopped clams, diced potatoes and flaky haddock.   What a great meal for any night of the week.  Thanks Carole!  Remember to do as she says in the directions below:
"Pour yourself some white wine and sip throughout the cooking process."

1 small onion chopped
2 potatoes, diced
2 TBS of butter
Chicken Broth
1 can of good quality chopped clams in juice
1 lb of haddock...
Sour cream
1 1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of light cream

( I had left over bacon so I threw that in and some chopped celery.  Other than that, I followed it to a teeee).

Pour yourself some white wine and sip throughout the cooking process.
Brown the onion in butter.
Add enough chicken broth to cover the potatoes and bring to a boil.
Add the clams with the juice. Layer the haddock on top of the potatoes.
Simmer for about 10 min. until potatoes are tender and haddock flakes.
Add the milk. I put in some light cream for added richness.
Toss in a dollop of sour cream on top. Finish with some S&P to taste and a pinch of Thyme.
Serve with hot rolls and oyster crackers.

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  1. Big fan of fish chowder, so this one will be on my, "things to try" list. It's probably number 999 on that list, but I'll move it up fast. Looks great and is all the more special when the recipe comes from family.

  2. Took four years but I made this today. Simple is great when it comes to fish chowder. A gorgeous fish chowder that will now remain in my family as well.
