
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Banana Bread French Toast with Maple Whipped Cream

Ingredients for French Toast:
(Serves two-four)
3 eggs
3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons butter
4 slices banana bread ( Use Norma's Banana Bread recipe, posted on my May 21, 2012 Blog.
Norma's Banana Bread )
Confectionary sugar for dusting

Ingredients for Maple Whipped Cream:
1/2 Cup chilled whipping cream
2-3 Tablespoons maple syrup

Directions for Banana Bread French Toast:

   1.  Lightly beat eggs, sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract until smooth.
    2.  Melt butter in skillet over medium heat.
    3.  Dip sliced banana bread in egg mixture and coat both sides evenly.
    4.  Add bread to heated skillet.  Brown on both sides.

Directions for Maple Whipped Cream:
     1.  In chilled mixing bowl, beat whipped cream until soft peaks form. 
     2. Add maple syrup and beat until firm.
*  Yields about 1 cup of cream.

To  Die For

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